Powering a Home in Masooli, Wakiso District: A 2.3kWp 10kWh 3kVA Hybrid Solar Backup System by Kweli Energy

Like many other Ugandans, Mr Abdul and his wife Hadijah were faced with frequent power outages, daily grid (Umeme) voltage drops in the evenings, and an ever-increasing electricity bill to the point that they couldn’t enjoy the life they’ve always worked so hard for, anymore.

Enter, Kweli.shop and Kweli Energy.
Installed at their residence in Masooli, Gayaza, the system comprises a 2.3kWp tier 1 monocrystalline solar panel array by Jinko, a durable 10kWh Felicity gel maintenance-free battery bank, a 3kVA Felicity hybrid inverter and a remote monitoring system by Felicity Solar.

This is a hybrid system; integrated with the grid (Umeme), this solar backup system automatically switches to Solar power during the day and to battery power towards sunset or whenever the grid voltage drops below 170V hence saving critical appliances from damage. Additional safety features include doing a bypass to the grid whenever overloads are sensed and an option of system restart during the same.

 What’s even better is that the system does not stop collecting power from the sun when the batteries are fully charged; instead, the excess power is passed over to the appliances to minimise the use of already stored power in the batteries or the expensive grid power.

This system can generate and offset the client’s daily power consumption by 7-12kWh (an equivalent of 7-12 Umeme units) daily or 200-300kWh per month saving them up to UGX 250,000 per month.

Mr Abdul and Hadijah’s system is powerful enough to run all of the client’s appliances including an automatic washing machine, refrigerator, TVs, CCTV cameras, flat irons, and lighting except using the washing machine and flat iron concurrently.

Thanks to a well-designed and installed clean renewable energy solution, this family is now able to save on electricity bills and have a constant power supply and enjoy everyday life even when there are prolonged power outages as more power is generated every day.

Ready to Go Solar? Kweli got you.

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