Frequent, random power outages coupled with high electricity bills are like a virus across Uganda and Africa as a whole. This was Mr. Mato’s biggest pain, as he has various appliances that he wanted to have run 24/7.
Installed at his residence in Luwero district, the system comprises a 2.2kWp monocrystalline solar panel array by Felicity, a durable 10kWh Felicity gel maintenance-free battery bank, a 5kVA Felicity Hybrid inverter, and a remote-control monitoring system by Felicity Solar.
The hybrid system, integrated with UMEME, automatically switches to solar power during the day and to battery power whenever there is a grid power outage or when the grid voltage drops below 170V. This ensures all of Mr. Mato’s appliances continue running uninterrupted and protects critical appliances from damage.
The inverter also has an automatic bypass-to-grid on overload feature, which helps keep appliances running smoothly, regardless of the nature of the load.
This system generates an average of 8-12kWh (equivalent to 8-12 UMEME units daily), saving the client up to UGX 250,000 per month. Mr. Mato’s system is powerful enough to run all of their appliances, including an automatic washing machine, refrigerator, TVs, CCTV cameras, flat irons, and lighting.
With a well-designed renewable energy system in place, this family is now able to cut down on electricity costs, enjoy a steady power supply, and go about their daily routines without interruption, even during extended power outages, as the system generates more energy daily.
Ready to go solar? Kweli got you.